Thank you guys for replying to my question as no where else i found any help regarding B3!
I tried to place the commands under the user group! It didn't worked, so i added it to all other groups!
The inbuild commands like cookies,sry,ns are working! But fps,fov command has no action! It is showing fps and fov commands when i type !help in B3 but is not working! Not even showing any error when i type the command..
I am attaching my plugin and config file!
P.S: I have made no changes in the .py file, only added the commands in customcommand.ini file.
Not allowing me to attach file so have to place it here!
plugin_customcommands.ini File :
Code: Select all
# This config file allows you to easily define new commands.
# Read the doc at
# Lines starting with a dash (#) will be ignored
# ### parameter placeholders
# <ARG:FIND_PLAYER:PID> Makes your custom command accept a mandatory parameter which represents a player. The placeholder will be replaced with that player's slot id.
# <ARG:FIND_PLAYER:GUID> Makes your custom command accept a mandatory parameter which represents a player. The placeholder will be replaced with that player's GUID.
# <ARG:FIND_PLAYER:PBID> Makes your custom command accept a mandatory parameter which represents a player. The placeholder will be replaced with that player's Punkbuster id.
# <ARG:FIND_PLAYER:NAME> Makes your custom command accept a mandatory parameter which represents a player. The placeholder will be replaced with that player's cleaned up name.
# <ARG:FIND_PLAYER:EXACTNAME> Makes your custom command accept a mandatory parameter which represents a player. The placeholder will be replaced with that player's exact name.
# <ARG:FIND_PLAYER:B3ID> Makes your custom command accept a mandatory parameter which represents a player. The placeholder will be replaced with that player B3 id.
# <ARG:FIND_MAP> Makes your custom command accept a mandatory parameter which represents a map. The placeholder will be replaced with the map name.
# <ARG> Makes your custom command accept a mandatory parameter parameter. The placeholder will be replaced with that parameter.
# <ARG:OPT:{TEXT}> Makes your custom command accept an optional parameter. The placeholder will be replaced with that parameter or if not provided by the content of {TEXT}.
# ### other placeholders
# <LAST_KILLER:PID> The placeholder will be replaced with the slot id of the player who killed the player calling the command last.
# <LAST_KILLER:GUID> The placeholder will be replaced with the GUID of the player who killed the player calling the command last.
# <LAST_KILLER:PBID> The placeholder will be replaced with the Punkbuster id of the player who killed the player calling the command last.
# <LAST_KILLER:NAME> The placeholder will be replaced with the cleaned up name of the player who killed the player calling the command last.
# <LAST_KILLER:EXACTNAME> The placeholder will be replaced with the name of the player who killed the player calling the command last.
# <LAST_KILLER:B3ID> The placeholder will be replaced with the B3 id of the player who killed the player calling the command last.
# <LAST_VICTIM:PID> The placeholder will be replaced with the slot id of the player who got last killed by the player calling the command.
# <LAST_VICTIM:GUID> The placeholder will be replaced with the GUID of the player who got last killed by the player calling the command.
# <LAST_VICTIM:PBID> The placeholder will be replaced with the Punkbuster id of the player who got last killed by the player calling the command.
# <LAST_VICTIM:NAME> The placeholder will be replaced with the cleaned up name of the player who got last killed by the player calling the command.
# <LAST_VICTIM:EXACTNAME> The placeholder will be replaced with the name of the player who got last killed by the player calling the command.
# <LAST_VICTIM:B3ID> The placeholder will be replaced with the name of the B3 id who got last killed by the player calling the command.
# <PLAYER:PID> The placeholder will be replaced with the slot id of the player calling the command.
# <PLAYER:GUID> The placeholder will be replaced with the GUID of the player calling the command.
# <PLAYER:PBID> The placeholder will be replaced with the Punkbuster id of the player calling the command.
# <PLAYER:NAME> The placeholder will be replaced with the cleaned up name of the player calling the command.
# <PLAYER:EXACTNAME> The placeholder will be replaced with the name of the player calling the command.
# <PLAYER:B3ID> The placeholder will be replaced with the B3 id of the player calling the command.
# <PLAYER:ADMINGROUP_SHORT> The placeholder will be replaced with the identifier of the admin group which the player calling the command belongs to.
# <PLAYER:ADMINGROUP_LONG> Gets replaced with the name of the admin group which the player calling the command belongs to.
# <PLAYER:ADMINGROUP_LEVEL> Gets replaced with the level of the admin group which the player calling the command belongs to.
[guest commands]
# define in this section commands that will be available to all players
cookie = tell <ARG:FIND_PLAYER:PID> ^1<PLAYER:NAME> ^7 gave you a ^2COOKIE^7
sry = tell <LAST_VICTIM:PID> sorry mate :|
ns = tell <LAST_KILLER:PID> nice shot !
fps = cmd fps:<PLAYER:PID>
fov = cmd fov:<PLAYER:PID>
promod = cmd promod:<PLAYER:PID>
[user commands]
# define in this section commands that will be available to registered players
cookie = tell <ARG:FIND_PLAYER:PID> ^1<PLAYER:NAME> ^7 gave you a ^2COOKIE^7
sry = tell <LAST_VICTIM:PID> sorry mate :|
ns = tell <LAST_KILLER:PID> nice shot !
fps = cmd fps:<PLAYER:PID>
fov = cmd fov:<PLAYER:PID>
promod = cmd promod:<PLAYER:PID>
[reg commands]
# define in this section commands that will be available to players of the regular group or above
cookie = tell <ARG:FIND_PLAYER:PID> ^1<PLAYER:NAME> ^7 gave you a ^2COOKIE^7
sry = tell <LAST_VICTIM:PID> sorry mate :|
ns = tell <LAST_KILLER:PID> nice shot !
fps = cmd fps:<PLAYER:PID>
fov = cmd fov:<PLAYER:PID>
promod = cmd promod:<PLAYER:PID>
[mod commands]
# define in this section commands that will be available to players of the moderator group or above
cookie = tell <ARG:FIND_PLAYER:PID> ^1<PLAYER:NAME> ^7 gave you a ^2COOKIE^7
sry = tell <LAST_VICTIM:PID> sorry mate :|
ns = tell <LAST_KILLER:PID> nice shot !
fps = cmd fps:<PLAYER:PID>
fov = cmd fov:<PLAYER:PID>
promod = cmd promod:<PLAYER:PID>
[admin commands]
# define in this section commands that will be available to players of the admin group or above
cookie = tell <ARG:FIND_PLAYER:PID> ^1<PLAYER:NAME> ^7 gave you a ^2COOKIE^7
sry = tell <LAST_VICTIM:PID> sorry mate :|
ns = tell <LAST_KILLER:PID> nice shot !
fps = cmd fps:<PLAYER:PID>
fov = cmd fov:<PLAYER:PID>
promod = cmd promod:<PLAYER:PID>
[fulladmin commands]
# define in this section commands that will be available to players of the fulladmin group or above
cookie = tell <ARG:FIND_PLAYER:PID> ^1<PLAYER:NAME> ^7 gave you a ^2COOKIE^7
sry = tell <LAST_VICTIM:PID> sorry mate :|
ns = tell <LAST_KILLER:PID> nice shot !
fps = cmd fps:<PLAYER:PID>
fov = cmd fov:<PLAYER:PID>
promod = cmd promod:<PLAYER:PID>
[senioradmin commands]
# define in this section commands that will be available to players of the senioradmin group or above
cookie = tell <ARG:FIND_PLAYER:PID> ^1<PLAYER:NAME> ^7 gave you a ^2COOKIE^7
sry = tell <LAST_VICTIM:PID> sorry mate :|
ns = tell <LAST_KILLER:PID> nice shot !
fps = cmd fps:<PLAYER:PID>
fov = cmd fov:<PLAYER:PID>
promod = cmd promod:<PLAYER:PID>
[superadmin commands]
# define in this section commands that will be available to players of the superadmin group or above
cookie = tell <ARG:FIND_PLAYER:PID> ^1<PLAYER:NAME> ^7 gave you a ^2COOKIE^7
sry = tell <LAST_VICTIM:PID> sorry mate :|
ns = tell <LAST_KILLER:PID> nice shot !
fps = cmd fps:<PLAYER:PID>
fov = cmd fov:<PLAYER:PID>
promod = cmd promod:<PLAYER:PID>
# define in this section a short description for each of your command.
# This description will be shown when a players uses the !help command
cookie = give a cookie to a player
sry = say you are sorry to your last victim
ns = say 'Nice shot' to your killer
fps = toogle fps view
fov = change fov
promod = promod view file:
Code: Select all
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Custom Commands Plugin for BigBrotherBot(B3) (
# Copyright (C) 2013
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
import re
from functools import partial
from b3.functions import getStuffSoundingLike
from b3.plugin import Plugin
__version__ = '1.2'
__author__ = 'Courgette'
class CustomcommandsPlugin(Plugin):
def __init__(self, console, config=None):
self._adminPlugin = None
self._re_valid_command_name = re.compile(r"^[a-z][\w]+$", re.IGNORECASE)
self._re_argument_placeholder = re.compile(r"<ARG(?::(?P<type>[A-Z_]+)(?::(?P<property>.*?))?)?>")
Plugin.__init__(self, console, config)
# Plugin interface implementation
def onLoadConfig(self):
This is called after loadConfig(). Any plugin private variables loaded
from the config need to be reset here.
# get the admin plugin so we can register commands
self._adminPlugin = self.console.getPlugin('admin')
if not self._adminPlugin:
# something is wrong, can't start without admin plugin
self.critical('Could not find admin plugin')
# unregister eventual previously registered commands
registered_cmd_names = [cmd_name for cmd_name, cmd in self._adminPlugin._commands.items() if cmd.plugin is self]
for cmd_name in registered_cmd_names:
self.debug("unregistering custom command %r" % cmd_name)
del self._adminPlugin._commands[cmd_name]
# register our custom commands
for group_name in ("guest", "user", "reg", "mod", "admin", "fulladmin", "senioradmin", "superadmin"):
if not self.config.has_section("%s commands" % group_name):
self.debug("no section [%s commands] found in config file" % group_name)
def onStartup(self):
def onEvent(self, event):
Handle intercepted events
killer = event.client
victim =
killer.setvar(self, 'LAST_VICTIM', victim)
victim.setvar(self, 'LAST_KILLER', killer)
# Other methods
def _load_conf_commands_for_group(self, b3_group_name):
load custom commands defined in the config file for a given b3 group
self.debug("loading custom commands for group %s" % b3_group_name)
for command_name in self.config.options("%s commands" % b3_group_name):
self.debug("loading command %r" % command_name)
except ValueError, err:
command_template = self.config.get("%s commands" % b3_group_name, command_name)
except ValueError, err:
self.error("command template invalid for %r: %s" % (command_name, err))
self._create_command(b3_group_name, command_name.lower(), command_template)
def _validate_cmd_name(self, command_name):
makes sure a command name is correct. Raise ValueError if invalid.
assert command_name is not None
assert command_name.strip() != ''
if not self._re_valid_command_name.match(command_name):
raise ValueError("Command name %r is invalid. Command names must start by a letter, must be at least two "
"characters long and have no space in them." % command_name)
def _validate_cmd_name_not_already_registered(self, command_name):
cmd = self._adminPlugin._commands.get(command_name.lower(), None)
if cmd is not None:
raise ValueError("A command with name %r is already registered by plugin %s" %
(command_name, cmd.plugin.__class__.__name__[:-6]))
def _validate_cmd_template(self, template):
makes sure a command template is correct. Raise ValueError if invalid.
assert template is not None
if template.strip() == '':
raise ValueError("Command template cannot be blank")
if template.count("<ARG:") > 1:
raise ValueError("Command template cannot have more than one 'ARG' placeholder")
def _create_command(self, required_group, command_name, command_template):
func = partial(self._custom_command_implementation, command_template)
func.__name__ = command_name
func.__doc__ = ""
doc_items = []
m =
if m:
arg_type ='type')
if arg_type is None:
func.__doc__ += "<text>"
elif arg_type == 'OPT':
func.__doc__ += "[<text>]"
elif arg_type == 'FIND_PLAYER':
func.__doc__ += "<player>"
elif arg_type == 'FIND_MAP':
func.__doc__ += "<map>"
if self.config.has_option('help', command_name):
func.__doc__ += (" - " + self.config.get('help', command_name))
self.verbose("no help found for command %r" % command_name)
self._adminPlugin.registerCommand(self, command_name, required_group, func)
def _custom_command_implementation(self, command_template, data, client, cmd):
render the rcon command given current context and command_template
:command_template: the template to use to render the rcon command
:data: the data passed as a parameter of the command
:client: the Client object representing the player who is issuing the command
:cmd: the Command object for this command implentation
rcon_command = self._render_cmd_template(command_template, data, client)
except ValueError, err:
client.message("Error: %s" % err)
if rcon_command:
def _render_cmd_template(self, command_template, data, client):
command = command_template
# <ARG>
if "<ARG>" in command:
if not data:
raise ValueError("missing parameter")
command = command.replace("<ARG>", data)
_re_arg_opt = re.compile("<ARG:OPT:([^>]*)>")
m =
if m:
replacement = data or
command = _re_arg_opt.sub(replacement, command)
if "<ARG:FIND_MAP>" in command:
if not data:
raise ValueError("missing parameter")
result = self.getMapsSoundingLike(data)
if isinstance(result, basestring):
command = command.replace("<ARG:FIND_MAP>", result)
elif isinstance(result, list):
raise ValueError('do you mean : %s ?' % ', '.join(result))
raise ValueError('^7cannot find any map like [^4%s^7].' % data)
_re_find_player = re.compile("<ARG:FIND_PLAYER:(PID|PBID|GUID|NAME|EXACTNAME|B3ID)>")
m =
if m:
if not data:
raise ValueError("missing parameter")
target_client = self._adminPlugin.findClientPrompt(data, client)
if target_client:
if == 'PID':
replacement = target_client.cid
elif == 'PBID':
replacement = target_client.pbid
elif == 'GUID':
replacement = target_client.guid
elif == 'NAME':
replacement =
elif == 'EXACTNAME':
replacement = target_client.exactName
elif == 'B3ID':
replacement = "@%s" %
raise AssertionError("unsupported placeholder %r" %
command = _re_find_player.sub(replacement, command)
# <PLAYER:*>
command = command.replace("<PLAYER:PID>", client.cid)
command = command.replace("<PLAYER:PBID>", client.pbid)
command = command.replace("<PLAYER:GUID>", client.guid)
command = command.replace("<PLAYER:NAME>",
command = command.replace("<PLAYER:EXACTNAME>", client.exactName)
command = command.replace("<PLAYER:B3ID>", "@%s" %
_re_last_killer = re.compile("<LAST_KILLER:(PID|PBID|GUID|NAME|EXACTNAME|B3ID)>")
m =
if m:
killer = client.var(self, 'LAST_KILLER', None).value
if killer is None:
raise ValueError("Your last killer is unknown")
if == 'PID':
replacement = killer.cid
elif == 'PBID':
replacement = killer.pbid
elif == 'GUID':
replacement = killer.guid
elif == 'NAME':
replacement =
elif == 'EXACTNAME':
replacement = killer.exactName
elif == 'B3ID':
replacement = "@%s" %
raise AssertionError("unsupported placeholder %r" %
command = _re_last_killer.sub(replacement, command)
_re_last_victim = re.compile("<LAST_VICTIM:(PID|PBID|GUID|NAME|EXACTNAME|B3ID)>")
m =
if m:
victim = client.var(self, 'LAST_VICTIM', None).value
if victim is None:
raise ValueError("Your last victim is unknown")
if == 'PID':
replacement = victim.cid
elif == 'PBID':
replacement = victim.pbid
elif == 'GUID':
replacement = victim.guid
elif == 'NAME':
replacement =
elif == 'EXACTNAME':
replacement = victim.exactName
elif == 'B3ID':
replacement = "@%s" %
raise AssertionError("unsupported placeholder %r" %
command = _re_last_victim.sub(replacement, command)
if "<PLAYER:ADMINGROUP_SHORT>" in command:
command = command.replace("<PLAYER:ADMINGROUP_SHORT>", client.maxGroup.keyword)
if "<PLAYER:ADMINGROUP_LONG>" in command:
command = command.replace("<PLAYER:ADMINGROUP_LONG>",
if "<PLAYER:ADMINGROUP_LEVEL>" in command:
command = command.replace("<PLAYER:ADMINGROUP_LEVEL>", str(client.maxGroup.level))
return command.strip()
def getMapsSoundingLike(self, mapname):
""" return a valid mapname.
If no exact match is found, then return close candidates as a list
wanted_map = mapname.lower()
supportedMaps = [x.lower() for x in self.console.getMaps()]
if wanted_map in supportedMaps:
return wanted_map
matches = [match for match in getStuffSoundingLike(wanted_map, supportedMaps)]
if len(matches) == 1:
# one match, get the map id
return matches[0]
# multiple matches, provide suggestions
return matches