KAB Plugin
I made this for my personal use and it works with b3 version 1.9.2 and Cod4x
I do not know if it will work with other versions of b3
- kab-b3.zip
- KAB Plugin for b3 1.9.2 ans cod4x
- (5.13 KiB) Downloaded 1166 times
to install
place KAB.py in your b3/plugins directory
place the KAB.xml in the b3/conf directry
you do not have to rename the KAB.xml for this plugin to work
but I suggest you edit the command levels I have them a 99 so only superadmins can use them
also at the bottom of the file is
<!-- Settings to add your ban appeal web site to the ban file -->
<settings name ="website">
<set name = "website_text">www.yourwebsite.com</set>
edit the web site text to your web site because it will show in the ban when someone is banned
it will say you can appeal your ban at
www.yourwebsite.com so change it
here is the config which is included in the download
<configuration plugin="KAB">
<settings name="command_level">
<set name="banplayer">99</set> <!-- banplayer or bp -->
<set name="changemap">99</set> <!-- changemap or mp add name of map to change to -->
<set name="kickplayer">99</set> <!-- kickplayer or kp -->
<set name="tempbanplayer">99</set> <!-- tempbanplayer or tbp -->
<set name="getss">99</set> <!-- getss or getss add players name or all for everyone in the server -->
<set name="gamepassword">99</set> <!-- gamepasswrod or pw add a game password or pw remove to remove it -->
<set name="undercover">99</set> <!-- undercover or uc -->
<set name="screenwrite">99</set> <!-- screenwrite or sw -->
<set name="consay">99</set> <!-- consay or con -->
<set name="maprotate">99</set> <!-- maprotae or mp -->
<set name="KAB">99</set> <!-- KAB -->
<set name="unbanplayer">100</set> <!-- unbanplayer or ubp -->
<set name="kabsay">99</set> <!-- KAB see a list of commands -->
<set name="heli">99</set> <!-- heli -->
<!-- Settings to add your ban appeal web site to the ban file -->
<settings name ="website">
<set name = "website_text">www.yourwebsite.com</set>